
Art on Piper Membership Information and Forms

Art on Piper membership is valued for many reasons. Mostly for the growth in an artist’s career.

Most importantly, membership of Art on Piper applies to local artists.

Firstly, we can help creatives who live in the area. Secondly, we offer a different range to other local galleries. And thirdly, members on duty know nearby tourism high lights.

Member Benefits

Tourists and locals buy from Art on Piper. The former mostly on weekends, the latter through the week, but not always. Return buyers make up a huge loyal following. In addition, members attract fans of their work. We see them come back for more!

Members are featured in daily Facebook and Instagram posts. These are additional sales opportunities.

Our red door flyer is our signature promo. It contains many member styles. And is updated regularly. Subsequently, the same image runs in a bi monthly, popular, well distributed tourist magazine.

Gallery duty is essential. Therefore, it involves one day per month and two days the second month. Mostly, members can choose their rostered days. They create while tending the sales desk. The retail day is used as studio time. Visitors often ask about works-in-progress. And getting their eye in, they go back to the artist’s display zone with added understanding. Meeting the maker provides the buyer with a back story. More knowledge than before. Sales increase as a result. Especially in regards to gifting.

Front window displays change monthly. Artists choose whether the planned theme suits their art style. For instance, concepts vary from broad to very specific. This way, members can select which appeals. That is to say, participation is voluntary. Some enjoy a challenge. Whereas, others stay with their favourite themes. The Themes and Events page features past ideas and gatherings.

The artists who attended the birthday celebration

The gallery is in its seventh year and runs very smoothly. The Committee includes long time art professionals with years of local gallery sales. Members meet monthly to discuss future business plans. They add value and new ideas when talking about procedures.

A team spirit ensures the work load is shared. In other words, all members are appreciated volunteers. However, our valued friends on display are a bonus. Certainly, they add variety in the building, but do not contribute to the roster. Furthermore, their works are positioned in the spaces available to rent. This keeps the building full and appealing to a wider market.

Display space info

Artists rent a dedicated area to display their work. Wall space, plinths or shelves show their products to the best effect. Printed information enables visitors to read about them. Their methods, history, education or motivations.

A few display spaces are currently available. They are the white boxes on the map below.

Some types of work are at the desired level. Capacity limits avoid repetition for our visitors. Currently jewellery and photography are well represented. Interested artists can add their name to our waiting list.

The floor plan below lists spaces and prices per calendar month.

Art on Piper Membership INFO and FORMS


The Exhibition Room is a great space for a month long show. For various reasons, artists rent the room, to exhibit their body of work. An opening can be discussed. And no duty is required. In short, the room is a chance for a focus, or a personal milestone.